We understand that getting back on track after summer can be a difficult task. We’re there too. To help make it that little bit easier, we’ve come up with five tips to help you motivate yourself, your team, family and friends to remain positive… And yes, it includes personalised promotional merchandise, but it also includes a very generous discount of £150! Keep reading to find out how to benefit from this offer.
The chances are you’ll wake up each morning this week, half open one eye and think: ‘Why is my alarm going off in the middle of the night’?
Then of course, reality will kick in…YEP…Summer is over. No more long days lounging around in your summer shorts and hawaiian shirt by the pool, no more late lunches with the family in the garden, no more mid-week beach days and beers. Instead, we are greeted once again with the noise of the city, the smell of the fumes and a horrifying amount of emails. Are we wrong in thinking that this is the general feeling?
But before we let our post-holiday blues get the better of us, let’s focus on the positives. If you’re lucky enough to work for a company like Garment Printing, you’ll be greeted by a number of friendly faces, there to help get you through it with a bit of ping pong and comradery. Ultimately, you’re all in the same boat, remember. On the other hand, you can also look forward to getting back into a routine – afterall, many people thrive and are much more productive when they have a clear structure to work with.
“That’s not me”, I hear you say. It may not be, but before you start thinking about early retirement in the Caribbean or, for those less fortunate, sacking it all in and looking for another job, take a breath. No rash decisions should be made on a holiday blues comedown. Research has shown that the emotions connected with the end of summer and a couple of weeks of interrupted sleep throws your body clock into a kind of jet-lag, meaning that for those who are already experiencing real jet-lag, will find the adjustment doubly difficult. Give yourself a couple of weeks to get back into the swing of things.
Though we’re not going to recommend you handing in your notice, we highly encourage positive change. This could start with something small like joining a sports club or cookery class, or even learning a new language. The excitement of starting something new will ignite an energy inside of you and make you more positive about returning to the routine – after all, your routine should also include at least a few things that you can look forward to during the week!
In this article we’re going to highlight our top five tips to help you re-energise yourself, your teams, and your business in this post summer period with personalised promotional merchandise such as corporate gifts, custom stationery and printed mugs. So let’s delve straight in!Get a quote now!
Project a positive attitude
No 1: Even if you’re not feeling it, projecting a positive attitude can help to create a positive working environment and inspire others to take on the same attitude. Embrace positive energy transmitted by others and use it to kick start any projects you had on the back burner. September can be a great time to be productive and focus on ventures you’ve been putting off during summer due to too many distractions. Showing others in your team that you’re taking on a positive, productive stance will inspire them to do the same and will lead to a considerably more pro-active office.
Refresh your surroundings with personalised promotional merchandise such as personalised stationery
No 2: Visual stimulation can be a very powerful thing. Many studies have shown that physical environments influence workers’ well-being and directly influence their work performance and productivity. Apart from conditions such as temperature, air quality, lighting and noise, other factors such as having a comfortable place to relax during breaks, plants and attractive interior design can also affect productivity and overall morale. Another thing every team member appreciates is a printed mug with their name on it. These will also help new employees to feel a part of the team and the existing ones to remember their names.
If your workplace is feeling a bit too familiar, why not jazz things up a little with personalised stationery? Remember that back to school feeling after an endless summer? Everything was made ok with the promise of new printed pens, pencil cases and personalised notebooks. Now, we may be a little older and wiser but there is something to be said about that feeling you get when you open up a new personalised notebook and use that new fountain pen for the first time. Get personalised stationery for your business and see what a difference it makes to morale and productivity. With products such as leather bound embossed notebooks, printed pens made of recycled paper and other eco-friendly items available, you’ll have your working environment revitalised in no time, and at very little cost.

Personalised corporate gifts
No 3: It’s a known fact that everyone loves receiving gifts! Apart from stocking the office with custom stationery, another way of showing appreciation for your employees’ hard work is by presenting them with a personalised gift. Screen printed tote bags are a great option as they are gender neutral and are both fashionable and practical. You can be really creative when printing tote bags and use printing techniques such as dye sublimation and DTG, as well as screen printing, of course. If you think your company could benefit from some slightly more industry specific corporate gifts, like personalised golf accessories, get in contact with our sales team, who will be more than happy to discuss the options.

Get fit and active with personalised sportswear and accessories
No 4: For some, September is the new January. Don’t wait till after Christmas to join the gym or take up a new sport. In fact, many gyms have caught onto this and offer free joining fees at the beginning of autumn. The best way to bring yourself back out of that black hole, where there was once a beach and an endless stream of mojitos, is to get your endorphins flowing. Why not propose it to your colleagues? Perhaps you could get a gym gang together? This would not only help to give the team that sense of community, but would also help build team relations and inspire a little competition. In need of something to motivate you that little bit more? Get personalised sportswear printed and really look the part. If your workmates are down, why not get printed T Shirts with your slogan or motivational message on? Take a look at our selection here.
Rebrand your company with personalised workwear
No 5: So we’ve already mentioned how important it is to make a good impression visually. Apart from redecorating the office and ordering personalised mugs and custom stationery, consider injecting a bit of life into your company image with a new line of personalised workwear. We recently produced an article highlighting all the many stylish, bold options available for corporate workwear, which include brightly coloured Asquith & Fox embroidered polo shirts and chinos or American Apparel hoodies and printed T Shirts.
So there you have our top five tips to help boost morale in the office after the summer. But just in case you haven’t already, for our final tip, we recommend that you book another holiday, now! Everyone needs something to look forward to. And if you can’t quite afford it now, there’s no harm in doing a little research for your next weekend getaway.
If you would like to take us up on any of the advice above and order personalised stationery, printed mugs, personalised workwear or custom sportswear, get in contact with our sales team for a tailored quote and make the most of our very generous offer of £150 off all printed promotional merchandise orders over £1000 made in Sept, by entering this Promo Code into the comments section of the quote form below: DO IT 092017