Promotional products have been a mainstay of the marketing scene for decades now – and it’s no secret why. Every business can benefit from the cost-effective advertising power of promotional items, from fledgling start-ups looking to get their foot in the door of their chosen market to multinational conglomerates leading the line in their sector.
The Best Promotional Products
Of course, that doesn’t mean that you should rely solely on traditional methods of marketing to raise your company profile and expand your client portfolio. The wonders of modern technology mean that online advertising channels are also hugely effective, whether it be social media campaigns or pop-up banner ads, and should be integrated into your approach as well. However, promotional products offer benefits over these new-fangled techniques of marketing your company in a variety of ways, meaning you can’t afford to overlook them.
Still not sure of whether corporate giveaways are worth the hassle? Here are a handful of way in which they can help your business reach its full potential and prove themselves effective methods of marketing in a modern environment.
1) Forge a connection
Everybody loves receiving something for free, right? If you distribute promotional products to your target market with no strings attached, they’re undoubtedly going to be more favourably disposed towards your company than beforehand. In fact, the research backs that up: 85% of recipients do business with the advertiser after being gifted a free product. In this way, you can create a relationship with your prospective customers before an official business one has begun.
2) Physical advertising
Do not underestimate the effect that a physical object can have compared to a digital one. By gifting people a three-dimensional item that they can hold in their hands, you’re issuing them with a physical reminder of your company’s presence. That’s something that’s far harder to ignore than an advert on television, online or in newsprint.
3) Longer shelf life
Leading on from that point, physical marketing tools are much more durable than digital ones. A TV advert or social media campaign might reach many thousands of people all at once, but it’s likely to be ignored and forgotten almost immediately. By contrast, a promotional product will reach fewer people, but the effect it will have on those individuals is likely to be far greater than any of its digital counterparts.
4) Access into new markets
Even if your intended recipient decides they have no use for the item you give them, if it has a high enough practical value then they’ll likely pass it on to a friend, family member or other acquaintance. In this way, you can infiltrate new markets that you’d never even dreamed of targeting prior to sending your promotional product out into the world in the first place. Such versatile advertising is a valuable commodity in the world of marketing.
5) Turn prospects into customers
Do you have a high-value prospect who’s dragging their feet over signing on the dotted line and committing to that lucrative business deal? Sending them a branded gift that adds real practicality to their life can be a subtle but effective method of nudging them over the line. After all, every time they use it, they’re sure to be reminded of your company and their potential dealings with you. As such, a well-placed promotional item can work wonders in turning prospects into customers.
6) Retain existing clientele
One of the most fundamental cornerstones of success for any business is ensuring they receive repeat custom from those already on their books. Sending out a promotional gift at Christmas (or better yet, on their birthday if you have that information) will set your company apart as one that truly cares about its customers and will encourage them to come back and seek out your services or products again in the future.

7) Differentiated discounts
As well as being issued as straight-up giveaways, promotional products can also be included in retail offers to encourage customers to spend in the first place. For example, including a free branded power bank alongside the purchase of every new smartphone or a USB stick with each laptop bought can create the impression among consumers that they’re getting something of significant value for free, when the reality is that such giveaways are more cost-effective for your company than traditional discounts.
8) Encourage company loyalty
As well as giving promotional products to existing customers and prospective ones, they can also serve as thoughtful thank yous for your own staff. Distributing such gifts among your employees will not only serve to strengthen the connection they feel to your company and encourage them to stay with you on a long-term basis, but any branded items that they take home and use away from the office will also increase your exposure with people in their vicinity.