Why Retro T Shirts Are Having A Comeback



Retro t shirts seem to be everywhere right now. You’ll have seen them in all the major retail stores and fashion stores, and probably on most of your friends (and maybe in your own wardrobe!). It’s definitely one of the biggest t-shirt trends to hit shelves this decade, and it seems like retro t shirts are here to stay. It’s not hard to see why – they’re exciting, ever-changing and a fun way to brighten up any wardrobe. 

You’ve probably come retro t shirts in lots of different designs… such as… 

  • Retro t shirts with old movie posters
  • Retro t shirts with retro logos of iconic brands
  • Retro t shirts with retro slogans
  • Retro t shirts with sitcom characters / TV show stills 
  • Retro t shirts with retro branding

And the best bit? Your retro t shirts don’t necessarily have to be authentic retro anymore either. Because of the modern printing techniques available to many retailers, they can make new clothes, with a retro vibe – meaning you can celebrate and represent newer movies, brands, TV shows (etc) in a retro styled way. 

We’ve seen this majorly with TV shows and movies in particular, the TV show cult-classic “Stranger Things” comes to mind. This new TV show exploded onto the streaming service Netflix and 1980’s style merchandise of the show exploded into stores. But the items weren’t authentically retro – not that anyone would know! 

So why does everyone love a retro t-shirt? Why are they having a sudden comeback? 

Keep reading to find out… 

It’s nostalgia, which we all love 

Everyone loves nostalgia, and with the 80s and 90s revival happening across fashion, it’s no surprise that retro t shirts have also been given another lease on life. Retro t shirts remind us of simpler times and they give us that cosy nostalgic feeling that we love. Everyone loves a bit of nostalgia – and retro t-shirt deliver that in buckets! 

There are endless designs to pick from 

There are so many designs and opportunities for design in the retro t-shirt market. Anything that was once part of pop culture qualifies for a retro t-shirt, so people are buying retro t shirts for just about anything. Any movie you once loved, there’s no doubt a retro style t-shirt you can buy. Any band you worshipped as a teenager… there’s definitely a retro t-shirt you can wear. 

It means something 

A retro t-shirt means a little more than a regular t-shirt. It has a bit of history, it tells a story, it’s a little bit more brave than wearing a plain white t-shirt. Sometimes you want to create an outfit that says something more, and means something to you, and for those occasions, a retro t-shirt is ideal. 

It makes people smile

If you’ve worn a retro t-shirt out and about, you’ll have noticed people glancing at your t-shirt. Depending on what it says, or what it represents – you’ll have even noticed people smiling and giving you a glance of appreciation. It’s like sharing an ‘in-joke’ and people will love complimenting you t-shirt if they recognise or appreciate the design. 

A retro t-shirt is a conversation starter 

In the same way that retro t shirts make people smile, they’re also great at starting conversations and creating a talking point! You immediately know by looking at someone’s retro t-shirt if you guys have something in common, and it’s a great way of breaking the ice and getting conversation flowing. Some people have got to know complete strangers because of their obscure retro t shirts! One person we know was wearing a random movie quote, and got upgraded at the airport because it made the airline employee smile and laugh! 

It shows a part of your personality 

At the end of the day, a retro t-shirt shows who you are and shows off your personality. It’s something that you can wear that says “I love this movie” or “I love this band” or “I love this TV show” (and so on). It’s a great way to inject a little bit of fun into your wardrobe, and it makes getting dressed a bit exciting and fun again. It can be a great way of meeting people, or a great way  just stay young at heart and keep supporting those actors / bands / artists that you used to love and worship as a teenager.

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