Personalised Kids T-shirts

Our personalised t-shirts for kids make the perfect addition to institutions such as schools, ideal for sports kits and club uniforms. We make this a cost effective solution, whereby you can enjoy a high quality screen printed version of your logo, in colours that are key to your organisation, and order the required quantity. We aim to help you decide which printing technique will best suit your desired outcome, so our team of experts can advise depending on your individual needs. 

We’re also keen to keep you involved at each stage of producing your personalised kid’s t-shirts, with free visual mockups and test prints available to order, allowing you to ensure that we’re capturing your design perfectly. You’ll be able to enjoy our express printing service on your personalised kids t-shirts order, a rapid delivery that can be same day if needed. We’re committed to guaranteeing you a quality garment, and we understand that kids can put clothing through more wear and tear than the typical adult! So, we offer a 100% money back guarantee or a reprint where necessary. 

Our top tips on creating a quirky printed kids t-shirt design include keeping your print minimal. With bright colours and a simple logo, you’ll enjoy the most eye-catching product, using our signature screen printing option. These prints offer the best quality, making them clear and giving your brand/purpose a clear identity. We’ve also committed to ensuring that our products are as sustainable as possible, using methods such as our eco-friendly water based screen printing.

Whatever the purpose, we can provide our kids personalised t-shirts for an array of projects, so feel free to contact us with any specific design requests and a Garment Printing expert will be happy to advise. We can also offer a range of other high quality personalised products, from printed polo shirts to personalised sweatshirts, browse the full range of options online at Garment Printing.See our full Catalogue


We offer lots of different clothes ideal for personalisation, however, if you can’t find what you’re looking for then call our team today on 0207 101 9315, they’re always happy to help and look forward to exceeding your expectations.